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1x/w, 3h, GW = me

1x/w, 3h, GW = me

(3-hour, 1x week Golf Widow = ME)

Jeff and I went out with old friends, Pam and Ray, a couple weeks ago.  We sat around the table eating over-priced (albeit worth it) charcuterie from Bacchanalia.  The subject of golf came up.

“Ya, Shelley’s a golf widow,” Jeff said tongue and cheek.

I hadn’t seen Pam in some time, but we picked up and reconnected straightaway.  Actually, we bonded for life (she doesn’t know this 🙂 after she said,

“Isn’t it nice?”

I giggled and wondered…hmm, am I a golf widow?  Since when?  What is a golf widow any way?  Whatever it is, exactly how much of a widow am I?   Jeff likes to golf…but, a widow…huh?Well, I did some research and sure enough there are golf widows out there.  Some are miserable, virtually left alone day in and day out.  Check this out:

Her husband sounds like a jerk.  She shows up on a course ready to go with clubs, and he tells her she “invaded the one thing he likes to do to get away on his own.”

Excuse me?  Jeff would be thrilled if I gave golf a go.  Hopefully, he doesn’t say that because he knows beyond a shadow of doubt, that I will never play golf.  It’s too slow and you have to be quiet and there are lots of rules and my wrists are weak and I don’t drink in bars…or anywhere else really.  Nope, I won’t be losing my [1x/w, 3h, GW] status by frequenting a golf course.

It’s not so bad being a golf widow for three hours, one time a week.  I hang out in the gym or do something with my girls or walk Gus or visit the Dogwood Festival with Diana, like we did today.

(Savanna and Joey went to the festival too, but we couldn’t find them.)

Any way, It got me thinking about women who really are mourning, golf widows.  It would be tough — lonely, isolating.

A perk to being a [1x/w, 3h, GW] is that in Scotland where we like to vacation, golf and horses go hand-in-hand.  I am happy as a clam being a barn bum while Jeff gets his course fix.  So it’s all good, no sympathy necessary for this golf widow.

* * * * * * * * * 

I have great news!

Savanna and Diana are joining my blog as soon as our tech support (Jeff Sweeney) sets up a page for them.  I’m blessed with the best to have my girls close by in ATL.  The three of us are close, literally and figuratively.  We live with a mere 2.2 x 3.6 x 3.0 mile triangle separating us.   We miss the connectedness of living together though.

There’s a shade of separation anxiety that never quite evaporated when they left the nest.  Time zoomed by and there’s no way to get it back.  But, there’s vibrant hope for the future and the three of us look forward to sharing and bonding in a new way.  Join us!

Thanks for stopping by,

Love, Shelley

Swinging in Scotland


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