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2021 Has Taken Off

Happy New Year Everyone!  I hope 2021 has taken off to a good start for all of you. 

As for me (us)…well…Jeff and I barely said good morning to January 1 before testing positive for COVID-19.  Yep, you heard it here first:  we know first-hand what it’s like to experience and survive the virus.  Twenty-twenty looked pretty darn good in the rear-view mirror for the first week of ‘21.  But now that it’s behind us, 2021 has taken off with some simple things to cherish for years to come.

Back Story:

One night out of nowhere (I’m talking Speedy Gonzales) my glands swelled, my voice became hoarse and fatigue invaded my body.  By the next morning, Mr. Fever made himself at home in my head for two whole days causing the most miserable pain and pressure imaginable.  It was truly a headache from Hell.  But eventually, the fever broke and though it zapped smell and taste, my energy increased sooner than expected and sleep-filled nights were back abundantly.

Happy Aspect No. 1:

In spite of the fact that I came through COVID rather seamlessly, I realize how terrible it would be for an elderly person to contend with.  I realize more than ever how fragile and treasured our elderly are.  We lose parents and grandparents too soon as it is.  Precious elderly may well be the last truly personable, warm-fuzzy, yet tough-as-nails generation left.   Mom’s down-to-earth, old-fashion existence is worth more than diamonds and gold (to me), it’s so, so rare.  

Mom and I spend a lot of time on the phone (she doesn’t have or want internet service).  She’s always worried about me going out “in the cold.”  I guess that’s where the cold virus was thought to have originated (during cold weather), many years ago.  COVID carries on regardless of weather patterns.  I try to tell her that fresh air is good for health and spirits.  She’s not having it though.  She likes to stay inside out of the cold air and thinks we all should, especially me.

Cherish our elderly

We love you so much Mom!

If you haven’t had COVID and you have elderly friends or family — if you’re not sure how bad the virus is or could be for them?  Trust me, it has the potential to be very troublesome. CDC COVID-19

Happy Aspect No.2:

Ok, enough meloncholoy.  It’s official folks, I didn’t go to a salon for a single haircut in all of 2020.  Color yes, cut no.  As I was recovering from COVID, I decided to take some photos while I cut my hair.  A couple friends have asked me to video how I do it.  I just can’t do a video.  I’d have to have the lighting right, make up on, scripted, etc.  Cutting it accurately is one thing, showcasing the whole process is another.  But I’m going to share the steps in coming blogs.  Having an in-home salon is very nice while in quarantine and isolation.  But more than that, being able to adjust your hair style however you choose is very freeing regardless of quarantine, IMHO.

Here is my first haircut of 2021:

DIY home haircut


DIY home haircut

Right view

DIY home haircut

Having a mirror directly behind is important. A hand-held one will help but add difficulty

Cutting your own hair is fun, artistic and liberating.  You can snip away any time something bothers you.  And if you’re sick with COVID or anything else you don’t have to worry about getting to the salon.  These are my tools:

Thanks for stopping by!

Love, Shelley

“Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me

when my strength is gone” ~ Psalm 71:9

For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be ~

Matthew 5:1-48

2021 has taken off


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