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Axe Throwing Anyone?

How does pummeling heavy axes at a wall sound for a girls night out? Or a boys night out? How does axe throwing sound to you as a way to let anger and frustration out? Or, how about axe throwing for a fun, family weekend activity? 

The Sweeney/Garde family spent last Sunday afternoon heaving heavy axes at a wooden wall target, just down the road from where we live in Atlanta.  BadAxe

If chucking axes with all your might sounds crazy, rest assured I thought the same thing.  What? Who? Where? Why? I gave serious thought to sitting the axe throwing adventure out, but the Savanna and Diana gave Jeff the gift of axe throwing for his birthday so, of course, I wanted to join them.  And as it turned out, a lot of fun was had by all!

Arrival –

We barely had one foot in the door before being asked to finger-nail sign liability releases via our cell phones.  Of course none of us read a single word of the contract. But we were confident that no matter what happened, how heinously bloody, how painful and unexpected, how accidental and unintended, Bad Axe would be responsible for zero of it.  Got it…sort of….

The inside of Bad Axe Throwing is similar to a large barn with stalls lining the perimeter.  It’s a large, open and airy space with plenty of room to move around — a nice feature but I couldn’t help imagining someone “losing it” whilst axes flying all over the place. 

Heaving an axe against a wall takes some getting used to. I figured it out quickly and rather enjoyed watching and hearing the intimidating blade gouge it’s way into the wooden target by way of my strength and energy.  It wasn’t long, however, before I discovered that you shouldn’t wear new, unsupportive shoes. The weight of the axe overhead eventually caused me to slide around in my never-worn-before, slippery shoes. Tip: Wear sturdy shoes.


Axe throwing is an athletic, coordinated, challenging, [social] activity for men and women.  


Axe throwing is something NEW to do!  Along with socializing, you get to satisfactorily pummel anxiety, frustration and aggression against the wall and leave it there.


Atlanta, GA and many other cool cities!  

(I’m not surprised a fun axe throwing venue is in our backyard. Westside/ATL is the center of the universe (IMHO).  Disagree?  Please share where you think the center is because we want to explore it!  

Here’s Savanna’s thoughts on Axe Throwing: 

Thank you for reading!

Love, Shelley

Axe throwing

Everybody stand back!


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