[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all living lovely and amazing days.
There’re so many wonderful things happening lately: for instance cats (and dogs) in our lives. Save for eating regularily and relieving themselves in appropriate locations, domestic pets haven’t a care in the world. What a wonderful thing! Their carefree-ness transfers over to humans quite nicely. They are warm, calming, and kind — Delicious Distractions: Cats. What a wonderful thing!
If you happened upon this blog it might be because you found it tucked inside of Savanna’s latest: Archies One Month Update. Most of you already know that the two of us adopted a brother and sister feline duo in late August.
Savanna’s Archie is an indoor, high-rise living, pampered guy who turned out to be beautifully tiger-marked and pleasingly affectionate. Archie is sweet, goofy, and loving. I cared for him early on. I know first-hand how committed he is to those three adjectives. He stands straight up on his back legs when he wants to get a better look at something. I never once experienced him playing hard-to-get when it came to up close and personal contact and he won’t turn down a lap nap.
Savanna and I desperately wanted Archie and Purll from the moment we saw them inside a small cage near the check out at Petco on Howell Mill Road. When Savanna peered in Archie’s cage while I shopped for dog treats, I heard her say “he rolled over!” I knew then and there we had to get both of them out of the cage and home to much fancier feline accommodations. I mean, “he ROLLED OVER!”
Purrl is living a different lifestyle than her brother. She is [quite] a different cat too. Purrl takes her time warming up to strangers, enjoys a precise schedule, and is showing promise as a hunter. She had no trouble figuring out her “cat” door and is adapting [intelligently] to indoor/outdoor accommodations as well as to her giant dog brother, Gus.
In regard to Archie, like Savanna, my favorite thing is how much Joey has come to enjoy him. As for my “favorite” thing about Purrl? I also love how much Jeff enjoys her…though he’s always been fond of our cats. I’m also crazy about how beautiful Purrl is. She has multi-color markings and an irresistable, snow white tummy that never fails to look delicious.
Have you ever been asked: are you a dog or cat person? That question never fails to stump me. I love both, and horses too. If I absolutely had to choose though, I think I’d be a cat person. For me, cats are complicated which makes the relationship richer. When a cat fully trusts you, beautiful hard-to-explain things happen.
Thank you for reading!
Love, Shelley
If you’re wondering where “the lady” I’m drawing is. I had to put her away for a while. When I began drawing her I thought she was wonderfully beautiful. Negativity crept in and I started thinking she was “ugly.” I’ll go back to her when the negative thoughts about her appearance disappear. :-)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”3361″ img_size=”Medium”][vc_single_image image=”3363″ img_size=”Medium”][vc_single_image image=”3365″ img_size=”Medium”][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”3367,3365,3364″][vc_single_image image=”3368″ img_size=”Medium”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]