Blogging about food, and enthusiasm for food in general, has never revved my engine. I’m not even sure this blog is about “food.” The gist is more about a grilling technique that Jeff and I recently discovered. Our new cooking gadgetry (Himalayan Salt Block) positively provides potential to rev things up in the palate realm and general enthusiasm for food.
Note: I’m not a professional food photographer, nor is it an aspiration. But I always aim to visually suffice.
Have you ever cooked or grilled on a Himalyan salt block? If you’ve never heard of it, get ready to scratch your head.
What is it? A Himalayan salt block is a big, heavy slab of Himalayan salt. Himalayan salt is a close cousin to table salt but what makes it cooler is that it contains more minerals (potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium and sulfur) than regular table salt. The additional minerals are what gives it amazing flavor and visual [pink] appeal.
We discovered the Himalayan salt block on our last trip to Jekyll Island. Check the store out here. Their spice selection is also supreme. These two spices have also added fun to grilling and cooking at home.
So far we’ve grilled oysters, shrimp, eggplant, to-die-for hamburgers, and this past Sunday we killed it with grilled cheese on the salt block.
It all began with:
Sourdough bread
Heirloom, organic tomato
cheddar/truffle cheese
Swiss cheese
Avocado mayo with a little Italian/Rosemary olive oil (also from Salt Table), Italian parsley, minced onion, garlic
½ butter, ½ truffle oil painted on outer bread
The salt block in left corner is for cutting only
Once Jeff heats the block over the coals the sandwiches go down for a warm, cozy nap.
The Himalayan salt block just might be worthy of its own Culinary Arts tab on Triangle Park ATL. Provided, that is, numbers on “the scale” don’t climb. Nobody wants that sort of revving.
In other news:
Jeff and I enjoyed an evening out with the girls last weekend.
I’m obsessed with Atlanta’s rail system: how we hear the steam trumpets in our home; how the city of ATL was built above the rail system; how Atlanta was built as a rail transportation hub in the 1800s to begin with; and, how it inconspicuously travels underground through Atlanta every day
We shared sinfully delicious, rich, dark beer as a train whistled and rolled by below us at JCT Kitchen.
They are the most beautiful girls in the world…to me…
Thank you for reading!
Love, Shelley
We wished Happy Birthday to our great-niece, Etta, this past weekend: