(please view our first micro video attached 🙂
Have you ever heard people say that you shouldn’t be your son or daughter’s “friend?”
Similarly, have you heard others say that their son or daughter IS their “best friend?”
Which do you believe in?
I’m some where in the middle, with a slight tilt toward the friend side. I mean, I’m crazy in love with my girls. It seems impossible that “friendship” wouldn’t be mixed in with all that love?
So ya, the three of us are friends. You might even say we’re joined “at the hips.” Don’t get me wrong though, we get on each other’s last nerves too – and we’re not afraid to admit it. But, mostly we love each other and can’t imagine life without one another.
Which brings me to Savanna’s engagement
Diana and I are so happy for Savanna’s pending marriage
But we’re/I’M also sad
We’ve come to a fork in the road
Savanna will take a path with her husband
Our final episode of me being a mom with two single daughters will play out
There’s no turning back (nor would I want to)
Savanna met and fell in love with a wonderful man
Now, it’s up to me, [Jeff] and Diana to bid her farewell
Sweet Savanna holds the key to her future with her prince
But whenever she needs us, we’ll be there
I’ll be there Sav!
Thanks for Stopping by
to read Triangle ParkATL!
Love, Shelley