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Halloween-2020 Amused

Hi Everyone,

How was your Halloween-2020?  Did you enjoy plenty of decked-out costumes, junk candy, and entertainment?  If you live in Georgia, like we do, Halloween is almost always a sunny, warm, beautiful day.  Halloween-2020 fit that description precisely, thus plenty of amusement was had by most.

As planned, Triangle Park et al. dressed up and headed to La Tavola in Virginia Highlands to celebrate Diana’s 23rd birthday.  Jeff and I brought sweet, baby Diana (9 lbs.1 oz.) home from the hospital on Halloween night (1997).  For 23 years it has been basically second nature to celebrate her birthday from October 29 – 31.  Halloween is the finale.

We all costumed up and prepped for a pic party before heading to dinner.  It’s all about the pics, right?

Joey dressed as the infamous pizza-reviewer, pop culture guru, and founder of Bartsool Sports, Dave Portnoy.  Which, naturally, meant Savanna would be a delicious-looking slice of pepporoni pizza pie.  Joey had the pleasure of reviewing her.  If you’re thinking: omg, why wouldn’t he give her a TEN (10!!)?  You’re not alone, I thought that too.  Apparently, you have to know more about Dave Portnoy to understand the reasoning.

Dave Portnoy halloween-2020 costume

8! This pizza is spicey and pricey.

Sav and Joe were hilarious and educational!  I had no idea [prior to Halloween-2020] who the heck Dave Portnoy was.  Pop culture guru?  But now I know and I want to give a shout out and thank Dave Portnoy for reposting Sav and Joe on his Instagram feed.  Check it out here!

Next is the birthday girl, Diana, as Elle Woods.  Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde hit us as perfect choice for Dan (Shrewd, blonde, pretty-in-pink, law school, etc.).  The only piece that didn’t squeeze together is that Reese is 5’1 and Diana is 5’9 ½ (plus heels).  But, the waiter, Thomas, saved the night.  He guessed that she was Paris Hilton.  That worked (IMHO).  I mean, having to x-out the lawschool part was costume-crucifying…but survivable.

Halloween-2020 costumes

Halloween-2020 costumes

Then came candy at the end of the night.  Diana picked out our assortment this year. Other than Smarties and Fun Dip, I don’t eat candy, candy bars, etc. Not a fan. Somehow my brain turned off when everyone was gone or asleep. Into my stomach went a Tootsie Pop (ew), Whoppers, and a Kitkat.  Why does Halloween taste like it’s been laced with wax these days?   Never again.

We had lots of laughs and cheers on Halloween-2020.  We even stopped by a friends house and trick-or-treated and we voted for: 

  1. Best executed costume

  2. Funniest costume

Every single one of us got one vote for best executed.  Sav and Joe got funniest.  I think the funniest thing is that we all tied for the first category.

One thing is for sure, there was plenty of amusement to go around just by looking at each other. Thankfully, nothing scared us…for a change.

Thanks for stopping by!

Love, Shelley


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