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Horse Rescues Heal

Red Clay Ranch (RCR) Equine Rescue and Sanctuary is a fully licensed, 501c3 non-profit organization designed to offer rehabilitation and sanctuary to horses in need.

Jeff and I visited one of our favorite charitable organizations: Red Clay Ranch Equine Rescue and Sanctuary, for the second time, this past weekend.

Participating in a sanctuary that honors dignity of the animal that has served man in monumental ways (strength, determination, endurance, valor, freedom, travel, companionship, beauty, spirit, etc.) for thousands of years, brings humble joy.

We had barely stepped outside the car when we saw our name near RCR’s “medical stall.”

An dedication honor

I was rendered speechless, literally. Is this why some people put “anonymous” in such instances? God’s name should be there, not ours. Have you ever been honored for something and felt unworthy of it? Imposter syndrome, maybe?

Ironically, our visit yesterday went hand-in-hand with the “medical” side of RCR’s mission.

The first horse that caught my eye was in a corral where rescues stay until they [hopefully] gain enough strength to join a herd. There had never been a horse in this corral during previous visits.

This sweet boy’s name is Toby and it was love at first sight.

Giving back love and care to the horse

As you can see, Toby was weak, down. Starved yet safe and being cared for.

I offered Toby a carrot. He wasn't interested at first but eventually partook. Soon, he struggled to rise, expelling diarrhea, unable to stand.

A vet was called.

(Side note: Large animal veterinarians are becoming rare. Women are especially rare in this field. Here's an article explaining the shortage.)

When the vet arrived she listened to Toby's lungs, checked his eyes, mouth, did her thing...ultimately concluding he had a bad belly ache. I felt miserable thinking the carrot I gave him caused his pain. How could I be so careless to cause Toby's stomach further upset? This was not my first rodeo! I knew better. But, apparently (thankfully!) I was not the cause of Toby's ill angst.

Toby was given a shot of something that had him feeling better rather quickly. (His face covering is due to a cut on his eye.)

Love and care for the healing horse

Inevitably, I fell hopelessly in love with Toby. Now, we're buying a house closer to the ranch so I can visit him every day. Kidding. But wish it was true. What is true is that we're looking forward to following his progress and will help however we can to ensure success.

In ancient Greece, horses symbolize wealth, prestige and power. Still today, they represent wealth, high rank and therapeutic friendship.

For me, they represent joy…to give back.

If you’re a horse lover or admirer from afar and would like to support or volunteer at a rescue, give google a quick search! Opportunities abound.

Feeding and caring for horses.  A win win
Jeff had control over a captive audience.

Thank you for reading!

Love, Shelley

The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean - Revelation 19:14 -

Horse Rescues Heal

Caring for horses

Giving love and care to horses

Horses coming for treats

Love and care for horses


May 09, 2023

What a beautiful, informative account and reflection on your recent experience at Red Clay Ranch. Thank you for sharing. Looking forward to following Toby’s recovery. Xo


Tara Taggart Fitzpatrick
Tara Taggart Fitzpatrick
Apr 30, 2023

How touching ! If I remember correctly you were involved in a fundraiser for this charity a year or so ago ? I bet it would be rewarding to spend sometime with the horses they are such magnificent creatures and it makes you wonder how they are abused or just not taken care of.... unbelievable !! Good job Shelley !

 Shelley Sweeney
Shelley Sweeney
May 01, 2023
Replying to

Thank you, Tara❤️. Some of my favorite "horse" memories are with Shannon, Tasha, Bucky and Shabu!!😃

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