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Movie Star Night

My handsome husband and I had the privilege of attending a dinner last weekend where Jim Caviezel was the guest speaker. It took place in a beautifully decorated chapel inside of Church of the Apostles, Atlanta, Georgia. Leading the Way, an Apostles’ outreach ministry, was celebrating 30 years.  Mr. Caviezel was the guest speaker.

Both Jeff and I were excited to attend, as we always have been for previous celebrations of Leading the Way.   We very much enjoyed shaking hands with Mike Huckabee, Allen West, Dr. Youssef, and of course visiting with dear friends. With all due respect and admiration to the above, I was extra eager to get up close and personal with Jim Caviezel. I don’t know about you but after seeing Passion of the Christ, whenever I envision Jesus I revert back to Caviezel’s performance of him. Profound to say the least!

I’m not star struck by nature but I cannot tell a lie, my boat began to float from the time the invitation arrived. Omg, maybe I can get my picture taken with…with…Jesus…I mean Jim Caviezel…omg! I was all but certain it would happen. After all, we’d taken photos with other “special guests.”

Jeff and I sat at a table with some of our favorite friends and also had the pleasure of meeting new folks from Egypt and Germany. The meal was delicious: steak, salmon, asparagus and a creamy, dreamy dessert that I still regret.

Caviezel’s speaking started off slowly. He mostly read straight from notes, peering over eyeglasses from time to time. We were skeptical. But, oh my, did the momentum pick up. He gave an energizing speech saying things like:

“Even if you don’t believe in God, he believes in you” and,

“Set yourselves apart from this corrupt generation. Be saints. You weren’t made to fit in. You were born to stand out.”

What was especially moving is learning how much he personally suffered making Passion of the Christ. Caviezel was literally whipped, struck by lightening, and he under went open heart surgery, five and a half months of hyperthermia and a separated shoulder. He talked about being up on the cross and learning that in suffering is redemption. He said,

“the suffering made my performance.”

It was really fun learning details about Mel Gibson’s initial pursuit of Caviezel to play Jesus. Mel wanted, “the guy with the initials JC who just happened to be 33-years-old.” Two hours never passed so fast. Before I knew it, it was over.

Sharing dinner in the same room with Jim Caviezel was indeed a thrill, even if I didn’t score a picture with him (he requested no photos — which, in a way made the even more special). I did, however, find several online that helped satiate the desire all the same.

Jim has a new movie coming out next year: Paul: Apostle of Christ. Rumor has it…we won’t be disappointed!

Thank you for stopping by!

Love, Shelley


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