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No Cross No Crown

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Holy smoke, there’s a lot going on around here!

Along with dodging life’s daily curveballs, I’ve vicariously endured the-bride-to-be’s (Savanna) pain of whitening her teeth while the sister-of-the-bride (Diana) and moi have executed the chore of acquiring “day of” dresses. (As for hair and make up, well, those two remain top-tier stressors. The fact that I visited a salon this past week for a simple color touch up and fought back tears as I checked out didn’t help.)

My new Wedding Day motto: Perfectly imperfect will be well enough.

Finding my dress was surprisingly easy. I spied it on Bloomingdales website and fell in love with it when it arrived, Savanna did also. The dress showed up on our front porch in less than a week. The fit was glove-like. Since Diana and I are essentially Sav’s only attendants we aimed to blend our style. I snapped a couple pics of dresses at Bloomingdales for Diana and even took one to her in Chattanooga last weekend (that one didn’t pan out so well).

Dress hunting took some buy/return effort but last weekend on Superbowl Sunday after an ostensible panic attack in the parking lot (rivers of tears fell – don’t ask why it’s cryptic), Dan and I dragged our bodies into Bloomingdales. Thanks be to God she slipped into her very own glove-like fitted day of gown in less than ten minutes.

Bloomingdales dress shop at Lenox Square is fabulous. After being a west-coast Nordy girl for most of my life, Bloomingdales has won me over. A huge shout out and plug to them for quality customer service and fab fashion choices. (If only there was a hair salon inside.)

In addition to having the day of dress dilemma solved, last Friday Joey, Savanna and I met our day of coordinator Rebecca, at Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee just down the road:

Rebecca brings energy, experience, enthusiasm and beauty to the tasks at hand.

Planning Savanna’s wedding has been relatively smooth sailing…until recently. Ants and angst began gnawing and pinching in places that are difficult to reach. But hey, without angst there’s no true joy and victory.

Understanding the Word is complicated. But you’ll never understand it if you don’t study it.

Timothy 2:7-13 – No pains, no gains! No cross no crown!

Matthew 23:12-12 For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

And speaking of my new motto: Perfectly imperfect will be well enough. I was trained as an artist in the classical style of the old “masters.” In other words: execute your projects as close to perfection as possible. Here’s an example:

And here’s an example (unfinished) of my newly adopted art style: Perfectly Imperfect:

Love, Shelley



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