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Season Reason(s)

I hope you are doing well and that your December duties have started off smoothly, void of conflict.

Christmas truly is the most wonderful time of the year. It's the one and only birthday celebration for which we receive so, so much. And it’s not even our birthday.

The irony is that Christmas is a birthday celebration where there is really no need to shop for gifts. Essentially, there is nothing we can give or do that is worthy of Him. Although spiritually, much can be done. We can privately (or publicly) surrender ego, self and sin (things that stores don’t contain, online sites don’t list and no one can make or manufacture). In short, repent.

After that whopper-whoozie, just sit back and receive foregivness, Truth and eternal life.

The cool thing is, we can receive those gifts (foregiveness, truth, eternal life) at any moment of any day what-so-ever, where ever we are.

I know some people who get emotionally agitated as soon as Thanksgiving is over. Depression hits them when Christmas starts closing in. Missing loved ones, memories of past celebrations or whatever the case may be, emotions never fail to lead them down December-Dread Drive. When the True reason for Christmas is shrouded in negativity, the joyest among us get down. Can you imagine how different the tempo leading up to December 25 would be if the real reason for the season was embraced?

I didn't mean to get preachy but I do hope this makes sense. I'd be lost without it. Really lost.

Jesus isn’t the only December birthday near and dear to my heart. Savanna was born on Thursday, December 19 @ 5:30 p.m. These days, it seems a birthday isn't a birthday if it's not photographically documented, complete with a caption on social media? While searching for a tribute pic of Savanna, I came across this one of her enjoying a book read by my dad.

Savanna (1) and Papa (64) - December 1992

I cried.

Dad was one of the kindest, gentlest men I've known. As the saying goes, a picture is worth 1,000 words. For me this one has more than 1,000. Maybe 10,000 words.

One thing I remember about Savanna was the heaven scent of her warm, soft head. Hypnotically, that scrumptious aroma exudes through this image. My second baby, Diana, smelled delightfully delicious too…but Savanna oozed heaven scents. I imagine sweet, baby Jesus smelled the same way. Maybe it's a first-born thing.

Thank you for reading and Merry Christmas everyone!

Love, Shelley

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peach ~ Isaiah 9:6

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Love, Shelley


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