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Spooky Things

Hi Y’all,

There’re just two weeks to go before Halloween arrives and already spooky things are happening.

I wrote a spooky blog titled: Ditch the Koran. But someone implored me to keep it private. Darn, I really want(ed) to share it online (and did for a bit) but I obliged them and removed it. The contents contain plenty of sarcasm but hey, the basis is credible.

Text or email me if you want to read it.

Since I couldn’t share my first scary-blog choice (Ditch the Koran), I decided to share my second-scary blog choice:

Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers Spooky things

Do gas-powered leaf blowers frighten you? Does their smell, sound and filth day after day after day after day render you the least bit agitated?

Taking a neighborhood stroll and expecting to maintain clear lungs, clean skin and a decent hair day is virtually impossible to do in the age of gas-powered leaf blowers. And humans aren’t the only ones gasping for clean neighborhood air. All living creature’s respiratory and integumentary systems are affected by gas-powered leaf blowers.

Leaf blowers purport to be environmentally tidying things up when in fact they are leaving behind a bigger mess.

Did you know that leaf blowers emit more carbon than a car? “Gas-powered leaf blowers emit an amount of carbon in one hour equal to a Toyota Camry driving for over 1,100 miles”. (34 Things to Know about Carbon and Climate)

If your lungs, skin and hair don’t matter to you, does increasing your risk for cancer while simply strolling your neighborhood, a park, shopping center or anywhere and everywhere?

Gas-powered leaf blowers emit carcinogenic compounds (benzene, butadiene and formaldehyde) into the environment and quite literally right into our homes. They also cause hearing stress and potential hearing loss (especially for the operators). Gas-powered leaf blowers not only wreak havoc on respiratory and integumentary processes, they also damage our auditory systems.

In 2017 a report was published in the Journal of Environmental and Toxicological Studies. The study concluded that the sound emitted from a gas-powered leaf blower is a “low frequency noise that persists at high levels for about 800 feet from the source”. The study further states that “low frequency sound travels over long distances and penetrates walls and windows. Manufacturers report the sound levels from leaf blowers exceed 95 A-weighted decibels (dB(A)) at the ear of the operator and typically 65-80 dB(A) at 50 feet”. (Victoria News)

--Who cares?--

Wait…they also harm eyes (so to speak).

Have you ever seen birds flying through leaf blower carbon dioxide, non-methane hydrocarbons and nitrous oxide fumes? Have you seen chipmunks and squirrels scatter from leaf-blower reverberation? Or, dogs and cats dim in the haze.

Full disclosure: I have a yard service too. Yes, our property looks vacuumed and white-gloved but are leaves and natural debris really that unappealing? Is a raucously vacuumed landscape worth cancer-causing chemicals?

What about the ecosystem in general. Can it survive in the new, [fangled] landscape-order?

Gas-powered leaf blowers are, admittedly, not as frightening as other scary stuff happening in the world lately. But they seemingly offer more harm than good.

Save wildlife, pets and people from gas-powered leaf blowers. (I’ve asked our service provider to consider electric options and am also seeking out companies that don’t use gas-powered leaf blowers that I discovered on

[Save Israel and God’s chosen people too!]

Thank you for reading,

Love, Shelley


"33You shall not pollute the land in which you live, for blood pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land for the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of the one who shed it. 34 You shall not defile the land in which you live, in the midst of which I dwell for the Lord dwell in the midst of the people of Israel." Numbers 35:33-34


Oct 14, 2023

As a fellow Springlake neighbor, I, like you, object to gas leaf blowers for several reasons, toxic emissions, annoying and dangerous levels of noise for hours, worker safety, climate change, old technology, firefly killing, lack of supervision of contractors doing little, lack of neighborliness, the absurd criminalization of leaves, and the intrusion on our neighborhoods peace and quiet. And so unnecessary - if all one did was insist their ”blower crews’ use electric, they could still hunt down their leaves and at least stop polluting the children and disturbing the neighbors. Is that so hard for a so much better Springlake?

thank you for writing this. I sometimes feel like a lone voice. you should post your blog to the…

 Shelley Sweeney
Shelley Sweeney
Nov 14, 2023
Replying to

Thank YOU! Couldn't have said it better myself😀

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