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The DNA Mystery is Officially Over

The DNA mystery is offically over.  Science and technology, by way of 23andme, have officially informed [Shelley Corkill-Sweeney] of where my ancestors originate (the DNA mystery is officially over!).  The results provide geographical answers to a lot of conversational speculation over time.  With the exception of one, aha, so that’s where that came from, there really aren’t any surprises.  

~ Right off the bat, I do recommend DNA testing (specifically 23 and Me) ~  

Where my ancestors originate was of interest to me, in part due to extensive European, Middle East, Africa and Asia travel.  Certain regions offer particular comfort, cryptic familiarity and some regions exude a homeyness.  There are lands straight across the pond where I’ve been mistaken for local residents’ relatives and friends.  Mysterious energy abounds in various locations all over the United Kingdom and Ireland.

If you can relate, I promise you’ll find DNA testing worth the time, money and effort.  

Solve your MYSTERY!  

Here’s mine:

The British/Irish/Scandanavian parts were known before the 23 and Me reveal.  But there has always been a cryptic mystery behind close family members who have olive skin, dark(er) eyes, hair, etc. — the “tall dark and handsome” scenario.  Although, truth be known, those family members were short(er).  Positively handsome, but not so much tall!

An 1800s black/white photo of an entire family in my Grandmother’s home led to speculation of:  American Indian?  Spanish?  Mexican?  Brazilian?  What the heck is going on here, many wondered.  We drew conclusions without any proof or facts whatsoever.

Well now we know, thanks to science.  

Drumroll…the mystery traits are: Italian.  No one ever speculated Italian.

Being a passionate lover of art, fashion and biblical truths, I couldn’t be more delighted to discover Italian DNA in my saliva.

As I’m sure emanates, I had fun participating in DNA testing.  Not only did 23 and Me map out ancestral-regions and percentages, they provided access to 1500 possible relatives who share my DNA.  Albeit, I’m not sure how or if to sort through that data?  

If you enjoy exploring heritage, give it a try.  Who knows, maybe we’re related.  Shine bright!

Thank you for reading!

Love, Shelley

Who am I?

Where do we come from?


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