Hi Everyone,
How was your Valentine’s Day? Was it blanketed with red, pink and sweet hearts or was it good ‘ol invisible love? Do you spread valentine love all around you (friends, neighbors, siblings, etc.)? Admittedly, my fondest valentine memory was giving and receiving cards from each classmate in elementary school. But, once in middle school “Valentine's” became more targeted -- the boy or girl who caused swarming butterflies (hi Chip K. :-) -- you know the kind.
Diana was out of town in North Carolina with her boyfriend, Elijah, yesterday (2/14). But Jeff and I ran into Savanna and her forever Valentine, Joey, at Fresh Market on Peachtree. Here is her blog sharing the unexpected encounter. In short, she was picking a valentine out for me and we foiled her surprise.
Again, since around middle school my valentine recipient has been one person, in particular. Of course I indulged my children with all sorts of red, pink and sweet valentine love over the years, and, admittedly I miss that aspect but “My Valentine” is Jeff. The other 364 days of the year are available to share friend and family love -- not just the pink, red and sweet kind.
That being said, I do share special valentine gifts with those who have lost their significant other, like Mom. I delivered a gift and meal to her yesterday. Check this clock out:
As you know, she doesn’t have the internet but this digital gem brings facts and fun to her kitchen. Mom’s valentine meal was from this amazing Colorado junior league cookbook (Tipsy Cornish Hen, Million Dollar Rice and Broccoli ala Orange).
Psst...Savanna...it was magnificently heartwarming running into you shopping for a “mom valentine” at Fresh Market. You are the sweetest valentine imaginable. Be on the lookout for a belated couldn’t-resist-reciprocal treat.
Here’s hoping all of you had a Valentine’s day full of love and surprises ~ CHEERS!
Thank you for reading!
Love, Shelley