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Weighing Saves the Day

Hi Friends,

I hope you’re feeling relaxed and blessed! Triangle Park is feeling very blessed. Relaxed? Umm, sometimes yes, sometimes no. I mean, if this blog morphed into an Angst and Aggravation column we’d have tons to be unrelaxed about. Like what happened this past week as Savanna and I sifted through dozens of stamped, sealed, ready-to-mail wedding invitations.

Some of them just don’t feel right, Savanna said.

Ugh, not all recipients receive the same things. The wedding ceremony itself is tiny.  I’m dizzied with worry that some envelopes mistakenly contain ceremony invites (immediate family only) and vice versa.

What it boils down to: I suck at assembly-line paper work.

The Envelope Stuffing Drill went something like this:

  1. Everyone gets a reception invite

  2. Everyone gets an rsvp card/envelope

  3. Not everyone gets a ceremony invite

  4. You mustn’t forget the stamp on the small return envelope

  5. You must put the whole shebang in a medium envelope before inserting into a large outer envelope

  6. a large tissue must rest upon the reception invite

  7. a small tissue must rest upon the ceremony invite

  8. don’t seal the medium inner envelope

  9. do seal the large outer envelope

  10. put a flower stamp on the small inside envelope

  11. put a succulent stamp on the outer envelope

  12. nothing goes on the inner medium envelope

  13. don’t do in above order

If this had been a real job I’d’ve been fired before I began.

To the rescue, my awesome and amazing husband who never fails to help me/us through conundrums. Jeff suggested weighing each and every envelope with this handy little gram scale that I otherwise use to measure hair care products with.  Check it out:

And sure enough four envelopes had weight discrepancies, notably the initial one that Savanna said “didn’t feel right.  All invites are scheduled to go out this Friday but the certainty of that is contingent upon the arrival of four new envelopes.

Yep, this past week was filled with an aggravating, angst-inducing, $175, bump-in-the-wedding-planning road. True, in a perfect world, I’d prefer to pay less than $175 for four envelopes. But, in this case they’re worth every penny!

A giant hug to my husband for once again saving the day. I love you!

Speaking of pennies, here’s our latest emerging character in The Room Click Here.

Thank you for stopping by!

Love, Shelley

Also, I’m happy to report that Mom is feeling much better, as you can see in these photos.  She spent a good part of yesterday at our home and we treated her to dinner at the golf club.  I might add that Savanna personally picked out a dress for Gam to wear to the wedding and she delivered it to her home.  The dress looks beautiful on Diane. Thank you Savanna.

Of course we’re all still aching in my dear, kind, loving, handsome father’s absence.  Albeit I feel his presence in and around me always. It’s all good.

Mom, Jeff, Me – Ansley Golf Club

Mom kicking back in our house on a stunning, sunny Georgia day.

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer. Romans 12:12


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